Last of the Long Hunters - The Good Years

edited by FirstEditing.com

Author’s review

All your responses were prompt and professional.

You did a free edit trial for me on this same title, which helped guide me forward. Your follow up afterward was curtious and timely.

I am self-publishing this title. Readers are coming back with amazing stories about the impact of this book on their lives and faith. A major publisher is reviewing to possibly take this title further..

A short introduction

The Long Hunters opens with an interesting early history of the 49th State, leading to the eventual use and development of a new tool of transport "“ the single engine airplane, but not without extracting a terrible price. Experience what it was like to growing up among the dangerous game, hunting the massive caribou herds and absorbing the greatness of the country by ground and air. Includes a vital chapter on Alaska flying and specifically pass and weather flying. This volume is a must for any pilot in general and critical for safe flying in and to Alaska. Pilots will gain from the flying experiences related and more importantly, be compelled to grapple with its final truth. Purchase @ www.genesisalive.com

Author: Mark

Mark Rose is a commercial helicopter and fixed wing pilot. He was in charge of contract operations building the 28 mountain sites for the Alaska Pipeline, a 24/7 three year undertaking. Rose has over 40 years flying experience in both fixed wing and helicopters and is also the author of The Noah Code, this work a resultant of his 25 years working directly in the mining industry around the world.

He lives near Albany, Oregon

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