
edited by FirstEditing.com

Author’s review

I wanted a fast turnaround for Savior, my paranormal mystery novella. It was to be my promotional piece, so it needed to be absolutely perfect.

Toni, my editor presented a polished package, free of grammatical errors and also made a few useful pointers on the story. Having a complete stranger read and edit your work is invaluable. I'm thrilled with it.

Thank you.

A short introduction

This book is free to download - just sign up to my readers list on my website. :-)

Casper was always late... for everything.

He was already late for the Writers Charity Event and not in the best "˜books' with his publisher.

The last thing Casper needed was a delay.

So he took the short cut through the forest.

But of course, disaster struck.

He had an accident.

A young woman ran from the woods in a state of distress... and he couldn't stop... and what happened after that was strange beyond belief.

Vampire Mystery Romance Novella

Author: Holly Reger

Although I'll read almost anything, I love fantasy and romance. Especially with a paranormal twist. For that reason I focus on this genre for writing. I call it Dark Fantasy.

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