Brave Heartz Taliyah's Bittersweet Revenge

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A short introduction

Young gullible and blissfully naïve, Taliyah Russo let her guard down, allowing two treacherous but alluring men to steal her heart. Avery and Demarco, rivaling brothers, introduced Taliyah to a lavish lifestyle that she couldn't turn down which ultimately led to her demise.

Plotting her bittersweet revenge on everyone who has betrayed her, Taliyah meets four traumatized women through a behavioral health program and manipulates them to join her vindictive mission. Raina the seductress diva, Sky the volatile bitch, Trinity the impulsive one and Jade the deceiver, unite with Taliyah as F.E.M. the Female Elite Mob, embarking on a journey of love and trust but not without life threatening consequences.

All while facing their childhood fears, the female hustlers take luxurious trips around the world, living the high life through their lucrative gentlemen's club, Forbidden Fruit. But, gluttony, envy and lust will turn new friends into enemies and as Taliyah tries to maintain her money, power and respect she discovers everyone has a hidden agenda.

Will this dysfunctional sisterhood survive the fallout? Will Taliyah get the closure she's desperately longing for?

Author: Fanchon

Fanchon Stylezz is a very creative woman. She's a self published author, who completed her first novel titled, "Heart Of Kings" in 2014. Upon release, "Heart of Kings" received rave reviews and became an instant classic with fans so quickly, her supporters demanded a sequel. During the year of release, Fanchon has been fighting multiple health conditions, struggling with creative endeavors, but refused to let her fans down. Thus, in 2017, she took on the journey of writing her second book titled, "Brave Heartz: Taliyah's Bittersweet Revenge." Although "Heart Of Kings" is fictionalized loosely based on Fanchon's life, it opened the door for her to create a sequel focused on Taliyah (the main character) and four traumatized women, who unite to embark on a journey that will forever change their lives.

Fanchon Stylezz is a strong believer of Women Empowerment and has a passion for sharing her life stories with the world. From abusive relationships, homelessness and suffering from congestive heart failure, Fanchon encourages women of all ages, nationalities and sexuality.

You are not alone. In unity we will push through any obstacle and continue to be strong. - Fanchon Stylezz

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