I used to love my business. Now I hate it.

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A short introduction

It's no secret that debt is the biggest problem that continues to unravel the fabric of our society. In today's business world, debt problems often take a backseat to topics perceived as more important. More sales from wider product offers, new web market opportunities, extended credit to customers, product warranties, rework and return allowances, the list goes on. All of these actions can and do escalate the debt of the business. All of these are part of today's “Customer Care” business performance strategies for remaining competitive. In my opinion, our customer-centric business environment casually continues to allow and treat debt in ways that will create long-term, often irreversible damage to the business owner's retirement portfolio. It's no different than eating Tootsie Rolls, smoking, drinking and not exercising every day for the first thirty years of your adult life, and wondering why you are now housed in an eighty-year old body at the age of 53. Poor debt management habits take a severe toll in the long-term, as well as the short term on our American small business landscape. Managing your small business is always best when you manage with the truth.

This is a book about the truth.

Author: Michael

Since my first business in the 60s, I have enjoyed owning 23 companies of every description, from 5 to 110 employees. This experience has paved way to serve over 300 of the Fortune 1000 corporations. I have dedicated my career to help small businesses transform themselves into High Performing Companies.

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