I'm Too Old

edited by FirstEditing.com

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Thanks Marlene! Well done.

A short introduction

Small Group Bible Study books for your small group: Real life event with probing questions, bible passages dealing with the event and exercises to follow. In an era when tenure, generational employment, and pensions are being wiped out and replaced with 401Ks, our God has not wavered in His call on His people's lives regardless of age. Your worth and value are defined by the blood of Christ. Your call is to pick up the banner of Christ and march as a soldier until you have breathed your last in this life. This study is about such an event. While the world may discard you, God never will and in your weakness, God will manifest His presence.

Author: Cary

Cary Holbert is a pastor, public speaker, author, and financial and management advocate. Pastor Cary has successfully helped both non-profit and for-profit organizations in financial and management aspects of their business. With a Master's degree in Pastoral Leadership from the Columbia Biblical Seminary, Pastor Cary currently serves on several Nonprofit boards and is President of the Dirty Feet Ministries, which writes and publishes ministry training literature, including The Elder Handbook, Part I

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