The Deacon

edited by FirstEditing.com

Author’s review

Well done.

A short introduction

This training tool provides those who aspire to the calling of deacon, an overview of the office, role and function in the body of Christ. The deacon is an office bearer of Christ, being publicly recognized before the church, community and world as one who is part of the formal sphere of caretakers for the church of Christ, "doing the work of mercy as an expression of the Word in deed." Our works are intended to be Word-of-God centered, thorough, yet to the point

Author: Cary

Cary Holbert is a pastor, public speaker, author, and financial and management advocate. Pastor Cary has successfully helped both non-profit and for-profit organizations in financial and management aspects of their business. With a Master's degree in Pastoral Leadership from the Columbia Biblical Seminary, Pastor Cary currently serves on several non-profit boards and is president of the Dirty Feet Ministries, which writes and publishes ministry training literature, including The Elder Handbook Parts I & II, The Deacon, The Servant Series and The Dirty Feet Ministries Small Group Bible Study Six Part Series.

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