-I acquired the services of FirstEditing simply out of curiosity, to test and determine how good the service really is. What I discovered was an editing source that I can go back to without question. FirstEditing should be on the top of your list if you want a reliable, friendly, proficient editing source.
-Grammar has always been a pretty challenging factor for me, as I'm sure many others, while writing. Especially, when a story runs through your head like a freight train it's hard to keep up with those little grammatical details. FirstEditing cleans that up in a timely manner with respect to the story.
-As an independent author FirstEditing has helped me tenfold in terms of me sharing my writing artistry and taking myself seriously as a budding contemporary author and poet. Also, I can't say it enough, this process has given me much needed confidence to venture out into this industry, which can be very subjective and harsh at times as I'm sure you know.
Will Max find what he is searching for?
Will he ever find closure?
Will he find himself along this journey?
Or will he die without every knowing the answers he's always been seeking?
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