Make no mistake about it: the English language has many rules and exceptions that can befuddle even a native speaker. Editing English papers is now crucial in the academic world.
For a non-native speaker of English, meeting the university expectations for academic writing can turn into a nightmare. If it has for you, seek out professional editing services. It is the best way to get help with editing English papers.
We all know this: It is no longer enough for a university student to find an exciting topic and have original ideas about it.
Many people around the world have become proficient in English. Thus, how you communicate is just as important as what you communicate.
When you are bogged down by all those complex cases of choosing between “less” and “fewer.” Or “which” and “that;” when you are unsure if you have correctly placed all your commas. Or when you cannot tell if your sentences make sense to a native speaker, it means you need help.
A professional editor will fix common grammar and usage errors in your writing to help you present your ideas clearly. He or she will also show you how you can become a better writer in English.
Many university students, especially those whose first language isn’t English, make some of these common mistakes in their papers:
– Possessives and apostrophes: In literature classes, students often wonder whether it is (a) Charles Dickens’ novels or (b) Charles Dickens’s novels. The answer is (b); we would also write Charles’s friends. However, in a paper for a religion class, we would write Jesus’ parables.
– Articles (a/an/the): Use a with a noun that starts with a consonant sound, and (an) with a noun that begins with a vowel sound. The following cases may look confusing, but remember, it is the sound, not the first letter, that determines the article: a eulogy, a uniform, an SAT score. There are many rules for when a definite article (the) is or is not used. A professional editor can help you to ensure correct usage in your paper.
– Commonly confused words: You may have learned in your English class that a blonde is a woman with fair hair, but does she have (a) blond or (b) blonde hair? The answer is (a) because blond is an adjective (as well as a noun describing a man with blond hair). However, it’s best to check with the online dictionary in the style of English you’re using, as these are constantly updated and rules may change. Additionally, British English and American English differ slightly on some words. “Affect” and “effect” as well as “ensure,” “assure,” and “insure,” are some of the other commonly confused words.
Find a Professional Paper Editing Company
Even native speakers frequently make mistakes in these areas. For a non-native speaker of English, faking native usage is going to result in error-ridden papers. Worse, it is going to perpetuate your mistakes until they become so permanent that you can no longer notice or get rid of them.
However, an error caught and corrected early is one that you will be less likely to repeat.
How can professional editing services help you?
A professional academic editor knows every nuance of English language usage. They can correct every error in your university paper. The editor can also point out any general trends in your writing that need to be addressed.
Your editor reviews your grammar, completeness, and flow of your ideas, plus the overall structure of your paper. Also, your professional academic editor provides you with feedback on the overall quality of your writing.
It will help you become a better writer in English. It is a valuable skill in a world that is increasingly English-speaking.
English is a tricky language to master. When it comes to writing academic papers, it can turn into an outright nightmare – even for native speakers!
English is a tricky language to master. When it comes to writing academic papers, it can turn into an outright nightmare – even for native speakers!
If English is not your first language, how can you make sure your academic work is on par with (if not better than) that of your native-speaker colleagues? Many students fall into the trap of trying to fake native English language. The best way to polish your writing skills is to find a professional editing company.
Hiring an editor may sound expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. The trick is to find a professional editing company that guarantees quality and states all costs upfront.
Moreover, unlike many other services, professional editing provides numerous benefits besides its primary product (an error-free paper). Perhaps the most significant additional benefit is that hiring professional editing services can help you become a better writer.
Editing English Academic Papers
When editing English academic papers, a professional will pay attention to the following items, among others: academic writing rules, common mistakes in English, the use of vocabulary, and correctness of grammar and punctuation. These are the areas where even native speakers often go wrong.
After all, it’s tough to keep in mind all the different rules for citations and serial comma use. To remember whether you need “a while” or “awhile.” Or to know without checking your dictionary whether your sentence requires “exalt” (to praise) or “exult” (to celebrate joyfully).
Writing academic papers in English can be even more difficult for speakers of other languages because so many grammar and punctuation rules are different in English.
If your mother tongue doesn’t distinguish between indefinite (a/an) and definite (the) articles, it is tough to remember when to use which. There are many exceptions to the general rule! Moreover, in many of the cases mentioned above, a spell-check program is useless.
A professional editing company will provide you with an editor who is a language expert and has plenty of experience in editing academic English. The editor will check all of the above areas to ensure that incorrect usage does not obscure the meaning of your writing.
And there is more than just getting back a fine paper when you use a professional editing company. Even more important is the feedback you will receive from your editor.
A professional editor will let you know which areas of your writing are excellent and which ones need improvement. You can also deduce this by observing the changes the editor suggests.
Have two or three of your academic papers edited by a professional editing company, and by the time you write your fourth article, you will be a much more accomplished writer and English speaker than you could ever be without professional feedback.
Originally posted 1/13/2011 and happily updated 11/16/2017. Thanks for reading!