Set up a blog to promote your writing career. With either your website or using a free blogging platform, you can attract readers from around the world.
There is no doubt that the Internet has changed the writing world. Not only does it provide a new means for writers to get published, it also opens a new avenue for authors to promote and market themselves.
To set up a blog can enhance a writer’s reputation, resulting in an increase in sales. It could also attract attention to the writing of an otherwise unpublished author, giving them the exposure that he or she needs to secure an agent or publishing contract.
Set up a blog for your fans
Blogging can be an excellent way to keep readers coming back to your website, and thus, to build a growing readership. When choosing a host for your blog, there are many free blogging platforms, such as Blogger or WordPress. These are ideal if you’re looking for a quick, cheap, and easy way to start your blog.
Alternatively, if you’re interested in having more control over your website, then buying your web address could be the right choice. Either way, when choosing your web address, remember to keep it straightforward and logical so it’s easy for your readers to remember. Using only your pen name can be a good idea.
When it comes time to start uploading those all-important posts, don’t forget to keep the content relevant. If you created the writing blog to help promote your writing career, then stick to that subject. This topic is what readers will come to your blog expecting and wanting to read more about: you as a writer. It’s best to keep any unrelated venting about your personal life on a separate blog.
Additionally, it’s always good to offer your readers something useful to take away with them. Offer information about your latest published work and where to find it. Give advice on the writing process, any writer’s workshops that you’ve enjoyed, or editors and editorial services that you’ve found helpful.
Of course, as with any piece of writing, make sure your blog posts read smoothly and cleanly. Ensure they are free of any distracting spelling and grammatical errors that may undermine your credibility as a writer. Remember, always proofread before you publish! If in doubt, submit it to a professional editing service, such as First Editing. We’ll be happy to polish your blog posts for you.
Originally posted 4/9/2010 and happily updated 11/15/2017. Thanks for reading!