In this session at the Fictionary Writer’s Conference 2023, we discussed the various stages of editing available to authors, plus we explored how and why they should be used in the editorial process. After developmental self-editing, we looked at when to engage with line editing services during revision.
Next, we investigated copyediting and proofreading. This provided you with a full understanding of the editorial journey for authors and editors; it is a complex process that doesn’t happen in strict sequence.
Here at, we provide a wide range of professional editing services to help authors and researchers write stronger manuscripts. As Fictionary’s First Certified StoryCoach Enterprise, our team of certified Story Coaches and vetted editors are here to assist you with your project at any stage.
From developmental edits during the story editing process to polishing your manuscript through content and line editing, followed by copyediting and proofreading before submitting — we do it all!
Our satisfaction guarantee complements our personal services for added peace of mind.
You can download the handout from this conference here:
Fictionary is revolutionizing the traditional process of developmental fiction editing. Instead of relying solely on professional services, we are combining high-tech writing tools with personal editorial aid to help writers become storytellers.
With editors, there are several types that offer different levels of editing.
A story coach or developmental editor supports the overall structure and foundation of a manuscript in order to engage readers and help get it published.
Content and line editors look more closely at words in need of revision, while copy editors provide the final polish before approval.
Last, proofreaders do one last review after formatting as they double-check for errors related to display breaks in pages and images.
Developmental Editing is a comprehensive and quantitative process that draws from proven methods. You can access professional editing services, which include feedback for 38 story elements, visuals of the story arc, characters, and scenes. You also get editor feedback via notes with an overall critique summary letter.
When hiring a professional editor, do not settle for less than the best. Receive comprehensive services from an editor with publishing experience and a successful track record with other authors. Your editor should provide a vetted developmental edit that goes beyond a checklist-type evaluation, as well as outline exactly what needs to be strengthened to achieve your objectives. Ask for a free editing sample first to ensure you are a match.
Get a certified Story Coach from FirstEditing for a developmental edit plus a satisfaction guarantee. This includes a summary letter and a firm price quote.
RELATED READ: What Type of Editing Do You Need?
Developmental editing involves creative writing assistance and evaluation. It does not, however, involve the professional correction of syntax-related issues, such as grammar, spelling, and punctuation. If you’re wondering if your manuscript is any good, or if you’re looking for professional help to take it to the next level to iron out plot holes and other issues, then developmental editing is the solution.
Once you’ve gone through self-editing, a certified Story Coach can provide a critique of your work by doing a developmental edit. At this stage you can move on to revising with a professional editor who will help with needed corrections and evaluations of your English writing.
Developmental Editing offers creative assessment to help enhance your writing and story-telling abilities. It takes a critical look at the entire progression of your plot, story arc, characters, and other aspects of your novel to figure out how you can effectively engage with your readers. This approach is distinct from syntax editing because it puts emphasis on the artistic craft as opposed to the technical skills or wordsmithing.
RELATED READ: Professional and Developmental Fiction Editing Services
For composing a quality document, professional editors make all the difference. They offer a wide range of corrections and improvements that ensure your presentation and writing techniques are on point. Professional editors also provide feedback which help you continue to build your writing skills. These services focus on syntax, grammar, spelling, punctuation, style, transitions, voice, and more.
We assess each project carefully in order to determine what’s best for our clients. This evaluation considers their writing skills and objectives, as well as any composition challenges they might have.
At FirstEditing, we offer several services, including content & line editing, copyediting, proofreading, and Certified Story Coaches for developmental editing. If you’d like an example of how we work, submit for a free editing sample. Get a quick evaluation and professional recommendation from us as quickly as possible!
Content editing polishes your English writing and presentation – including syntax adjustments and in-line corrections. Besides this, your content editor provides professional recommendations throughout the manuscript to ensure it is articulate, smooth, and consistent. This service is more comprehensive than line editing, as it offers an intensive review of the story with a focus on English syntax.
Content editing occurs during the organization stage of your manuscript, whereas developmental editing covers big-picture issues and deeper restructuring. Generally, content editing targets prose while also offering insight into the overall structure and particular substance.
When a more comprehensive edit is required, advanced content editing can help. This type of editing occurs during the organization phase and gives in-depth feedback on the structure and prose while still addressing issues regarding the bigger picture. An in-depth content edit is necessary if your writing needs significant help with English grammar, readability, clarity, or structure. Executive content editing offers all-inclusive corrections with up to 20% rewrites included.
Line editing is a type of revision essential for neutral feedback and polishing. A line editor provides you with insights into what you are doing well as a writer, highlights challenges that may require your attention, and directly corrects your errors. Get a line editor when the arc of your story or presentation of a manuscript is already strong and complete.. They revise your craft as an English writer.
RELATED READ: What is Copy Editing?
If you’re looking for help to develop your writing, or if you want to identify which editing level is best suited for your novel, look no further. Our team of experienced editors is one click away and ready to assist with any of your inquiries.