Crossing the Line

edited by FirstEditing.com

Author’s review

We were very happy with the rapid turn around time! We hired you mainly because of your link with bookbaby.com but we did send inquiries to other editors before we finalized the deal. Our book is now available on most e-book sites. Thank you!!

A short introduction

Alex Thatcher is just settling in to her new life in Southern Arizona and her dream job as a Border Patrol agent. She is working with a respected mentor (and a newbie who is fun to boss around), learning her way around the desert, and even making some friends. But when Alex observes something unusual while out on patrol, she and her colleagues must work with law enforcement agencies and the medical examiner's office to investigate a series of homicides. Fascinating and suspenseful, 'Crossing the Line' captures the complexity and ambiguity of the borderlands.

Author: David

A.L. Gomortis is the combined efforts of two forensic pathologists with over 25 years experience who work in the southwestern US.

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