Foreign Assistance Across the Developing World - A personal account of 40 years

edited by FirstEditing.com

Author’s review

I particularly appreciated the backup which I received from Kathy Hatter, your representative in Washington DC who stayed in touch with me to resolve problems that arose. I live outside the US and there were difficulties receiving the final formatted manuscript directly from your administrative office. Kathy facilitated the process of sending me a perfect document online which could then be forwarded on to the book publisher.

A short introduction

The book provides a first hand look at the inner workings of international assistance principally provided by the US Government in Latin America, Africa, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and parts of Asia.

Author: Tom

Tom Kivlan is an international consultant who has worked in nearly all parts of the developing world for a wide variety of public and private sector clients in programs designed to promote improved economic well being or respond to the needs created by civil conflict or natural disaster.

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