
edited by FirstEditing.com

Author’s review

This was my first novel and was a little unsure of how in-depth the editing process would be. Overall though, I was happy with the job and my book has already hit the book stands.

A short introduction

A moving, coming of age, tale that follows three young boys through adolescence into adulthood, each trying to make sense of a world turned upside down.

Poland - 1939

The German army sweeps across Poland intent on the destruction of an entire people. In a small Polish town, 10-year-old Piotr Kowalczyk's idyllic world will be forever destroyed.

Croatia - 1944

Young Dino Mitak flees to the freedom of the West as the communist-led Partisans move ever closer to Zagreb.

Australia - 1980

A small boy, already struggling to cope with the loss of a parent, is confronted by a gruesome murder.

From the tranquil foothills of the Carpathian Mountains in southern Poland, to the Balkans and a simmering feud centuries in the making, to the streets of inner-city Melbourne where histories collide.

These events, generations and worlds apart, are interwoven in a poignant story of grief, hatred, revenge and finally - closure.

Author: Neil

Neil A. White was born in Melbourne and educated in his native Australia and the United States. He and his wife divide their time between the United States, Australia and Poland. Closure is his first novel. You may visit his website at: www.neil-white.com.

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