Apocalypse Manila, The End Begins

edited by FirstEditing.com

Author’s review

Having a First Editing editor review the manuscript was a very valuable and enjoyable experience. Not only did Nick line edit and correct spelling, grammar, etc., but I also ordered the Editorial Evaluation for my novel. His evaluation of the story and characters made me see some issues that I had missed because as the author, I was too close to the story. I really needed that second outside look. I ended up making adjustments to the plot (including changing the ending) and expanding on the stories of several characters. I believe the final product is much better than the original. This was my third novel, and I wish I would have had the first two looked at by First Editing. Having editing resources for freelance writers is always a challenge and expense that we struggle with.

A short introduction

Apocalypse Manila, The End Begins

He's an American living in Manila when the Apocalypse Begins.

Former U.S. Army helicopter pilot, Jim Taylor and a small group of survivors are trapped in his powerless, sweltering-hot, high-rise condo overlooking the bloodbath unfolding in the streets 20 floors below.

The undead horde is climbing the fire escape stairs toward them, and the group must escape. The only safe place is up, but only six floors remain between them and the roof. Then what?

Meanwhile, mankind's only salvation is an antidote sitting a few hundred miles south in a remote jungle lab where the virus was developed"”and accidentally released. And time is running out...

Jim, a CIA agent, a Filipino, and two U.S. Marines who survived when their C-130 burned at the Manila Airport, are the only ones close enough to retrieve the antidote before it's destroyed. Jim hasn't piloted a helicopter for years since getting shot down on his final mission in Afghanistan, a mission his nightmares won't let him forget.

Despite their poor odds of success, the rag-tag group commandeers a helicopter and sets out on a suicide mission to save the world.

Author: Larry

Larry Parrott is a former journalism major and a retired Marine. He's published three novels and non-fiction works. He currently works for the Federal Government and is working on his next novel.

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