When the Rules Don't Apply

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A short introduction

While growing up in a Boston Neighborhood, Timmy Flaherty and Donny Faye are as different as night and day Timmy lives by the rules, Donny refuses to accept them. After the boys serve in Vietnam, Timmy earns a law degree, but Donny stays in the Army-a decision that surprises everyone who knows him. After Donny violates the army's rules, he receives a dishonorable discharge and afterwards begins work for Percy Dwyer, a notorious Boston crime boss. When Donny's poor choices lead to a charge of murder he turns to his boyhood friend, Timmy, to defend him. Timmy is initially reluctant to take on a murder case, but is cajoled into it by Donny. When evidence establish Donny's guilt beyond a doubt, Timmy finds himself trapped between his obligation to a boyhood friendship, the morality of defending a murderer and his oath to represent a client with fidelity. But what no one knows is that the case is about to take a suprising turn that will change everything.

Author: Gerard

I am retired and live in an assisted community amid pleasant surroundings and company.

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