The Journey. A Roadmap for Every High School Football Specialists and Their Parents

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The Journey. A Roadmap for Every High School Football Specialists and Their Parents
  • Author: Marc, USA
  • Author’s Experience Rating:
  • Editor: Marian

Author’s review

Very professional staff and the recommendations on the re-writes and sentence composition and structure were very well thought out.

I am now trying to work with to finish the next piece and to finally get this published!

A short introduction

This ebook is the first one written to provide the reader with some of the issues related to what many parents and high school kicking specialists are not aware of when it comes to kicking specialists and the whole kicking "game" that exists throughout the US. The reader will be able to finally have a book to assist them.

Author: Marc

Started Nationwide campaign for High School Football Kickers and Punters, called "Kickers Kicking Cancer", working directly with CURE Childhood Cancer in the Atlanta area. In its first two years, we have raised over $10,000.00 which 100 per cent of the monies went directly to CURE Atlanta. Currently working as Vice President of Sales and Business Development at Idhasoft.

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