Follow These Rules for Comma Usage

There are many different rules for comma usage, and unlike some other sorts of punctuation (e.g., the question mark, the period), the rules can be rather fluid. Here is a short-ish breakdown of how to use commas, and when to use commas:

Example: The dog, the cat, and the goldfish agree that it is going to rain.

(There is a current debate about the comma after “cat” in the above sentence. It is the serial or Oxford comma, and is being eradicated from modern usage, but is still being recommended in the Chicago and APA styles.)

Example: The slumbering, snoring dog awoke with a start.

Example: The innkeeper, who is still sleeping, prepared our breakfast the night before.

Follow These Rules for Comma Usage

Example: Joanne, please stop talking.

Example: Of course, I am right about the situation. However, you think you are too.

Example: The little pig squealed, and I was moved to open its gate.

Example: Evan Noble, the world-renowned wine sommelier, will speak at the convention tonight.

Example: I love my snoring dog, with her white splotches and droopy face, more than I love my bed that she’s drooling on.

Example: After shuffling, I dealt everyone seven cards.

Example: Dear Dad,

Please forward my mail to 1676 Old Mill Road, Blissville, OH.

Originally posted 9/10/2011 and happily updated 10/25/2017. Thanks for reading!