About Us

We Care About Your Writing!
Over 50,000 authors have entrusted us with their words. Let us help you too.

Are you...

Let us show you how professional editing services can get you published.

Meet Your Secret Weapon

Writing, Editing, and Proofreading Since 1994

Hi! We are a family of editors and editing consultants who love to empower authors and researchers by fine-tuning your writing so you can publish confidently.

We want to share in your writing’s success and help create your legacy.

Our staff has a fantastic array of skills, such as developmental & structural editing, academic reviews & publications, ebook formatting, proofreading, and publishing insights & experience.
Thus, you have dependable experts to answer all your questions.

First Editing’s Business and Passions

We are a vetted team of professionals. You get editors who are experienced and passionate about helping all writers achieve their dreams.
We value excellence and offer a satisfaction guarantee as proof of our confidence.
It’s truly amazing that we get to work personally with enthusiastic writers like you while living lifestyles we love and working in an industry about which we are passionate.
We live worldwide. As a team, we cover all the world’s time zones, so rush services are always available. Plus, many of us are digital nomads who roam the world.
We work completely online. You can catch us via email, phone, or chat. Thus, we’re proud of the fact that our company maintains an extremely low carbon footprint.
We meet exciting new writers every day and we get to maintain personal relationships with like-minded people who desire to achieve their publishing dreams.
We have expertise in publishing, editing, writing, formatting, proofreading, hoola-hooping, and more!

First Editing’s Founder JoEllen Taylor

Hi! I am an independent author, avid reader, speaker, speechwriter, and entrepreneur. Just over a decade ago, I recognized how the writing industry has an enormous group of writers struggling to become published authors.
We are now in the Golden Era of eBook publishing.
I saw the value of connecting quality editors with struggling writers. However, I didn’t just want to create another directory of freelancers. There are simply too many “instant experts” who claim that they can edit a book.
Instead, I wanted to find and vet dedicated, experienced, and professional editors. I wanted to work with the best – people who take pride in their work, deliver according to a firm schedule, and really connect with authors.
I have been with First Editing over a decade now and love it!

Our Vision

Thus, online we created the means of building professional relationships with authors who are searching for editing services and quality assurance. It all came together as First Editing.
The concept was simple, but the reality is much more challenging. We create affordable editing with a predetermined delivery time and personal, customized editorial reviews and consultations.
As a team, we realize the value of having a front-line of professional editorial account managers who assist you, the client, in effectively discovering and communicating your needs. In this way, we assure you to achieve your overall editorial goals.
Over the years, we have received tens of thousands of questions while transforming writers into published authors. Now, we have expanded to build a network of recommended providers for the services that we don’t offer but know are so incredibly important in your book’s journey.
We have served over 50,000 thousand authors over just in the last decade and have an ever-growing base of successfully published authors.
We continue to provide quality editing services–that is our specialty and your benefit. We have fostered tens of thousands of valuable author relationships. We want to share this knowledge to help you achieve your publishing goals.
Professional Editing Services


Professional Help

Get a free editing sample outlining areas you need to fix before publishing. Discover what works!

The First Editing Company

Aaron Hickman

Sr Solutions Architect

Aaron Hickman

Sr Solutions Architect

Aaron Hickman

Sr Solutions Architect

Aaron Hickman

Sr Solutions Architect

Aaron Hickman

Sr Solutions Architect

Aaron Hickman

Sr Solutions Architect

Aaron Hickman

Sr Solutions Architect

Aaron Hickman

Sr Solutions Architect

Aaron Hickman

Sr Solutions Architect

Aaron Hickman

Sr Solutions Architect

Aaron Hickman

Sr Solutions Architect

Aaron Hickman

Sr Solutions Architect

Aaron Hickman

Sr Solutions Architect

Aaron Hickman

Sr Solutions Architect

Aaron Hickman

Sr Solutions Architect

Aaron Hickman

Sr Solutions Architect

FirstEditing.com originated in 1994 as part of a larger writing organization for academics and researchers. However, in 2007, we launched as a separate corporation focusing strictly on editing services for both academics and authors.
Besides providing professional editing at an affordable price with personal service, we also provide amazing career opportunities for editors.
Our staff consists of a family of editors who have the freedom and opportunity to create the lifestyle they desire. While some focus on family or charitable service, others travel the world. We are proud to help them achieve their dreams while they help our authors achieve their publishing dreams!
Over the years we have grown! From a small family of editors to an enormous family of successfully published authors! (Professionally edited by us!)
We are proud and privileged to have over 1000+ testimonials.

We Care

You have a qualified team of friendly, authentic, and approachable real people who are actively concerned and engaged in your personal success and journey as an author. We match your personal editorial needs with your professional editor, who specializes in your unique genre/field of study.

We Are Professionals

You consistently receive honest, detailed, and helpful feedback. Our unbiased and experienced editors focus on providing the services and support that authors like you need to publish. We have decades of experience in the writing, editing, and publishing fields. We will share this knowledge freely throughout the process.

We Are Knowledgeable

You benefit from our extensive training, experience, and skills. You now have a team of editors available 24/7. We interact and proactively work to provide you with the best advice and service in the industry.

We Are Honest

You will consistently receive unbiased, trustworthy, genuine advice and feedback which values your time and investment. We will never recommend more or less than you actually need. We are tactful, but straightforward in our communication.

We Are Dependable

You get quality services delivered on time. If it’s not to your satisfaction, we will work earnestly to fix it. We ensure that your editing experience is honorable. We are upfront and honest. We will not surprise you with hidden fees or unnecessary recommendations. We always strive to provide you with the best editing service and experience in our industry.

Additional Key Ingredients:

Featured Authors

Advice for nonfiction and fiction authors, plus professional help for academics completing their thesis, dissertation, and research projects.