Successfully edit and publish your book. Achieve your bestseller dream.
Over 50,000 authors since 1994.
As an author, you are often just too close to your work to see clearly what needs to be done to take your book from good to great. After all, you’ve been living the subject matter and plot line for months, if not years!
That’s where our professional book editing services come in. It’s our job to clean up and critique your work. We get you onto the author’s career path. We not only improve your finished book, but we also help you avoid future snags and become a better writer overall.
Storytellers – Get a certified Story Coach to structurally edit & critique the story arc, plot, characters, and scenes of your novel or series.
Discover our fiction editing services here.
Experts & Authorities – Get executive editing and book coaching services to publish successfully your book and share your message clearly.
Explore our nonfiction editing services here.
Professional, vetted editors experienced in your genre provide comprehensive and personalized editing based upon:
When you hire an editor, you get expert advice and insight. We love to build relationships with authors that last for years.
As each author is unique, it is vitally important to first determine what your individual needs are through a professional editing sample and editorial critique. This manuscript review includes providing professional recommendations from your editor regarding which specific editing level fits your project.
Advice for nonfiction and fiction authors, plus professional help for academics completing their thesis, dissertation, and research projects.
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