Professional Book Editing Services

Book editing services
Book editing services

A team of certified Story Coaches with a managing editor dedicated to perfecting your book

Since 1994, our editors and proofreaders have helped over 50,000 authors with writing, proofreading, publishing, and manuscript editing services. You write it and we can perfect it!
Our affordable book editing services are available 24/7. We provide structural, developmental, line, copyediting, and proofreading customized to your unique needs and publication desires. We transform writers into authors!

Why not just self-edit your book?

As an author, you are often just too close to your work to see clearly what needs to be done to take your book from good to great. After all, you’ve been living the subject matter and plot line for months, if not years!

That’s where our professional book editing services come in. It’s our job to clean up and critique your work. We get you onto the author’s career path. We not only improve your finished book, but we also help you avoid future snags and become a better writer overall.

Fiction Book Editing

Fiction authors benefit most from a structural story edit by a Certified Story Coach. Our vetted, professional editors are the first in the world to receive StoryCoach certification. They successfully provide the most comprehensive structural editing. We use an objective approach to evaluate every detail of your story. You receive an in-depth edit and book review. This includes a professional summary letter with a review of over 38 writing elements within your story.

Our fiction editing method includes critiquing your story arc and assessing your key scenes. Chapter strength is determined by the word count of each scene. We compare this with the key characters and their participation in the scenes. We then confirm the themes and balance of your novel.

We outline exactly where, why, and how you need to make revisions to strengthen your presentation. We take our time reading your story and providing solid feedback. This is all embedded in your document and presented via our licensed professional editing software.

Are You a Fiction Author? – I am a storyteller and require an assessment of my plot, characters, setting, and overall story arc. I want reader engagement and require an editor experienced in professional critiques and fiction publishing.

Fiction Book Editing

Donna M. Zadunajsky
Experience Rating:
I liked most that the cost wasn’t extremely high. I’ve had many books edited and First Editing was actually more affordable than the others I’ve had. The free sample of my work for them to edit was an extra bonus.

Nonfiction Book Editing

Tonny Damian
Experience Rating:
Having Jefferson as my copy-editor for this project was a dream come true for me. Not only does he have an interest and understanding of my genre, but he also had a genuine interest in making sure my message was clear, concise, and proper.

Nonfiction Book Editing

As a nonfiction writer you need editing expertise from a Book Coach specialized in your specific genre. You receive a comprehensive nonfiction edit, book review, professional summary letter, and evaluation of over 20 distinct elements within your manuscript.

Our nonfiction editing method includes evaluating your book’s structure according to your objectives as an expert author, the expectations of your readers, and the promised purpose of your book. Our editing goals are to ensure your book has logic, structure, and an engaged audience. Without these foundations, a nonfiction book fails.

Are You a Nonfiction Author? – I write inspirational, motivational, or enlightening topics based on philosophy or experiential knowledge. I am an expert and focus on a unique audience or market. (Note: Research requires an Academic Editor for references, citations, etc.)

We transform writers into authors

Achieve your dream and become a bestseller

Whether you are self-publishing, hybrid publishing, or seeking a traditional publisher, contracting professional book editing services is essential to your success.

Find a professional book editor

Find the editor that is right for you and your book manuscript today! Your book editor is your secret weapon to success. Use their insight, experience, and skills to build a strong manuscript and a solid reputation. Let us polish your writing while you turn your attention to the query letter, cover designs for your book cover, and more.

What book editing services mean

Professional book editors read and examine every single word. We consider every sentence, paragraph, plot point, argument, grammar rule, style guide, and more when editing. Your professional editing coach ensures that your writing is coherent throughout the entire manuscript by resolving any consistency issues.
Our certified book editors love to read and polish your manuscript while remaining true to your voice and intentions as an author. Even a near-perfect piece of work can benefit from a keen editorial eye. Our goal is to provide the essential corrections while weeding out illogical statements, bad writing, and inconsistencies.
We ensure your readers remain engaged throughout your writing.
You’ve done all the hard work of getting the words down on the page: now’s the time to put your feet up and let our editors clear up any oversights. You can direct your attention to your designs and formatting.

Professional book editors

Our various types of editors have advanced degrees and over 20 years of experience with publishing, editing, and writing. They have extensive experience in providing substantive edits in a variety of genres, including literary fiction, creative nonfiction, Christian writing, textbooks, biographies, romance, westerns, sci-fi, self-help, urban, children, picture books, and young adult–the list goes on!
We have over two decades of priceless experience in the writing, publishing, and editing industry. With our history of as an editing business with successfully published books and articles. Unlike other freelance editors, we promise a satisfaction guarantee for all our clients.

Professional book editing services for every step of your story

Book editing often encompasses basic copy editing (spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.) as well as larger development elements of your manuscript. Professional book editors review the important writing and elements necessary for success in your genre and types of book.
Fiction Editing Services

Storytellers – Get a certified Story Coach to structurally edit & critique the story arc, plot, characters, and scenes of your novel or series.
Discover our fiction editing services here.

Nonfiction Editing Services

Experts & Authorities – Get executive editing and book coaching services to publish successfully your book and share your message clearly.
Explore our nonfiction editing services here.

Evaluating what your book needs based on these three pillars

Professional, vetted editors experienced in your genre provide comprehensive and personalized editing based upon:

It is easy to get started

Insights you get from your free editing sample that will help you make the right choice

When you hire an editor, you get expert advice and insight. We love to build relationships with authors that last for years.

As each author is unique, it is vitally important to first determine what your individual needs are through a professional editing sample and editorial critique. This manuscript review includes providing professional recommendations from your editor regarding which specific editing level fits your project.

Gain insight into your writing via:

  1. Personal editing of your writing and the exact editing cost for your project
  2. Professional recommendations from your editor regarding your manuscript’s unique needs
  3. Confirmation of your specific instructions and requests, along with a timeline of how we will deliver these promises
  4. Examples of the different editing levels we provide for your evaluation, such as structural, substantive, line, or content editing
  5. Summary letter sample, which outlines the deliverables of a premium edit
It is easy to determine if our editors are the right “fit” and worth the price for you. Get a free editing sample of your writing. We’ll provide a professional recommendation for which editing level is best for you.

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