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This Week’s Offer – Academic Paper Coupon- First Time Author Coupon – EXECUTIVE Author’s Package – New Client Discount 25% Off

Academic Paper Coupon - ACA18PRO

Contact us when placing your order to confirm the formatting bonus.

Valid for academic papers, theses, and dissertations

Returning Clients' Reviews - Professional Editing

First Time Author Coupon - FIRST22

First-time authors! Get 22% OFF your editing project + 4 add-ons for FREE.
Writing and publishing can feel overwhelming, but we take away some of this stress. Let our professional editors help you polish your manuscript and prepare it for publication.
We know the needs of a First-Time Author after editing thousands of similar manuscripts.

Additional services for FREE
(you save $330 USD!)

We will add these to your order after receiving your personal confirmation.

Advanced editing services
(22% discount)

EXECUTIVE Author's Package - SAVE Over $500!*

Valid for nonfiction manuscripts of 50,000 words or more
Send your document for a FREE sample and include “Executive Author’s Package” in the instructions.
Professionally Trained Editors - Editing Jobs

New Client Discount - Receive 25% Off Your First Project

Discover how amazing it feels to complete your writing project! Let us take care of the details while you prepare for publishing and marketing.
Request your New Client Discount today.
Simply submit your manuscript for a free sample & critique. Your professional editor will carefully evaluate your writing and outline the level of editing needed for your project.

Authors! Stop being just another writer with a story. Instead, become an AUTHOR with a successfully published book!

Over 50,000 authors have trusted FirstEditing with their manuscripts. Thus, we have edited over 200,000 documents.
Better yet, try before you buy! Send us your writing. We will return it within 24 hours with editing and a professional review. Click here to get your free editing sample.
Need advice or help?
We would love to speak to you. Just contact us via phone, email, or live chat. We assist independent authors like yourself every day.
With us, you have a team of professional editors. You can contact us whenever you have questions. You will have an editor who specializes in your particular genre.

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