Professional Editing for Scientific Research and Journal Publication

50,000+ Authors - American - Global - PhD Editors

Our team of experienced PhD editors helps thousands of authors from top-tier universities and research institutes publish their work in high-impact journals.
Your publishing goals come first! We remain involved throughout your editing and journal submission process and give you the support needed to achieve success.
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Professional Editing

“I really appreciate the fast turnaround and the quality of the edit that Natasha provided. Highly recommended and will continue using your service.”  Eric, Kelowna Canada

FirstEditing Differentiates Itself in a Number of Important Ways

Subject Areas and Journal Publication Experience

FirstEditing’s team has a broad range of expertise in hundreds of scientific and academic disciplines, some of which are listed below. We assign your editing to a trained and vetted editor within your discipline. (Unlike most editing companies, we do not post your work on a community board for hundreds of random freelance editors to grab.)

Get Professional Recommendations from Subject Matter Experts

Our Subject Matter Experts help you select one or more target journals. You also receive a report that ranks the journal(s) and explains how they evaluate submitted manuscripts. This helps you overcome the threshold.
As part of your pre-submission process, our editors provide professional recommendations which significantly increase the production value of your work, such as:
Most times, following an evaluation of your submission, journal reviewers issue a conditional approval that requires you to address certain issues.
In such cases, FirstEditing’s experts specialize in responding to such difficult comments and questions from journal reviewers. This personalized service significantly increases your chances of receiving final approval for publication.

25 Years of Proven Journal PublicationExperience

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Four Levels of Scientific Manuscript Editing Services

Editing Package Add-Ons

After you select the necessary level of editing for your manuscript, it is important to consider adding certain additional services, depending on your particular situation. The most common added services include:

Certificate of English Editing: Many journals require this certificate to be submitted with your manuscript, especially if you are a non-native English speaker.
English Support and High Impact Enhancement: This is useful for ESL clients who need more comprehensive language-based revisions to ensure the overall readability is consistent with journal editor and reviewer expectations.
Editing Package Add-Ons - Professional Editing
Expert Content Assessment Report (ECAR): Authors choose this when they want to confirm their paper is coherent and offers a rational discussion of the subject.
Final Pre-submission Proofread of Revisions: Many authors like to make modifications after they receive the edited version of their paper. If your changes are significant, you may request a follow-up proofread of the changed or newly added text.
Journal Submission Cover Letter: Our editors can prepare very persuasive cover letters to highlight the compelling nature of your study and paper.
Multi-Round Edits: This is for clients who have substantive content issues to address.-
Publication Support Services: Our experienced editors will help you identify several target journals to consider submitting your manuscript to for review.
Responses to Reviewer Comments: In most cases, journal editors and reviewers provide several comments that must be addressed prior to getting approval for publication. Our editors work closely with clients to ensure responses are persuasive.
Plagiarism Check: This is the most common added service. If you are consider about accidental plagiarism, we will help you reword and rephrase original work.

Our professional senior editors will advise you about additional services that may benefit your manuscript.

Professional Editing

So....what's next? How do I get started?

After you have decided which level of editing suits your needs, and you have determined whether any added services are necessary, it is time to proceed. There are three simple options to consider:

If you have never placed an order with FirstEditing, request a free sample so you can evaluate the quality of your editor before you submit the manuscript for the full edit.

If cost is a concern, then it is very simple to get an instant quote by providing the word count of your document, the type of document, and the type of service you want.

Finally, after you have found the quality and the terms acceptable, it is time to place your order

Global Reach Initiative: Serving Clients Worldwide

Global Reach Initiative - Professional Editing
FirstEditing’s Global Reach Initiative began in 2008 with the primary mission of identifying emerging research “hotspots” outside the United States, Canada, and Europe. Over the past 12 years, we have expanded our collaborations with researchers from 14 to 76 countries, and we are now active on 5 continents, including regions of the world currently undergoing dramatic changes socially, economically, and culturally.

We take great pride in our collaborations with analysts who are just beginning their research endeavors, besides our more experienced clients. We proudly assist those seeking to enhance their careers. It is essential to focus on publication in high-impact Q1 journals consistently. Whether you are just getting started down the research path or you have been involved in it for decades, our editors and publication support team can provide the support necessary to accomplish your goals.

Global Reach Initiative - Professional Editing

Global Reach Highlights

Academic Editing Services

Global Reach Highlights

Academic Editing Services

Returning Clients' Reviews

Returning Clients' Reviews - Professional Editing
“Very professional and close attention to details.” – Takashi, Tokyo, Japan.
“FirstEditing is the only company that allows me to email directly with my editor when I have questions. This makes everything much easier, and the response is very fast.” – Fatima, Sharjah, U.A.E.
“I used the same editor for my last 9 journal articles because he writes the best cover letters to the journal. This has made a huge difference!” – Justin, Denver, CO
“I order English editing because my writing is not perfect. I was very pleased with the revisions, and I will use same editor again for my future work.” – Cheng, Guangzhou, China
“The quality of work and feedback were excellent!” – Abigail, Cambridge, UK
Returning Clients' Reviews - Professional Editing

Returning Clients' Reviews

Returning Clients' Reviews - Professional Editing

“Very professional and close attention to details.”
Takashi, Tokyo, Japan.

“FirstEditing is the only company that allows me to email directly with my editor when I have questions. This makes everything much easier, and the response is very fast.”
Fatima, Sharjah, U.A.E.

“I used the same editor for my last 9 journal articles because he writes the best cover letters to the journal. This has made a huge difference!”
Justin, Denver, CO

“I order English editing because my writing is not perfect. I was very pleased with the revisions, and I will use same editor again for my future work.”
Cheng, Guangzhou, China

“The quality of work and feedback were excellent!”
Abigail, Cambridge, UK

Returning Clients' Reviews - Professional Editing

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