FREE - Book Editing Handbook "Your Editing Journey"

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Table of Contents

How To Make Your Manuscript Shine

There are three essential phases in an author’s editing journey: story editing, copyediting and professional editing. Each stage plays an important role in turning a rough first draft into a publish-ready manuscript.

In this practical guide, learn how and why every author must perform an intensive story edit themselves to ensure that their story is as powerful, coherent and evocative as possible. Discover some of the most effective copyediting techniques to help tighten and strengthen your manuscript.

Find out the secret to building a strong and productive relationship with your editor.

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    Get personal and professional service from our book editors

    As an author, you are often just too close to your work to clearly see what needs to be done to take your book from good to great. After all, you’ve been living and breathing the subject matter and plot line for months if not years!
    That’s where our professional book editing services come in. It’s our job to clean up and critique your work — not only to improve your manuscript but also to help you avoid future snags and to become a better author overall.

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