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What Level of Editing Do You Need?

The status of your manuscript and where you are in the writing process determines your editing needs.
If you are unsure, we can review your manuscript and offer a professional recommendation at no charge!

Compare Professional Editing Services

What Level of Editing Do You Need?

The status of your manuscript and where you are in the writing process determines your editing needs.
If you are unsure, we can review your manuscript and offer a professional recommendation at no charge!



Scientific Papers For Publication



Thesis & Dissertation Manuscripts

Professional Editing Services


Professional Help

Get a free editing sample outlining areas you need to fix before publishing. Discover what works!

Our fiction editors have professional experience & proven success

Our professional book editors have advanced degrees and extensive experience in book writing, proofreading and novel editing. The editors on our team also have a solid history of successfully published books, stories, and novels.
We are confident enough in their work to offer a FREE FICTION EDITING SAMPLE if you email us your manuscript.
Editing services do not include formatting to set margins, spacing, font, and font size. Please add the Formatting in Word additional service if you wish to receive formatting.

Levels of Fiction Editing Services for Books & Novels

Professional Nonfiction Editing Services

The Nonfiction Editors contracted by First Editing have advanced degrees with extensive experience in writing, proofreading, and editing.
Plus, they have a successful history of published books, manuals, online content, and articles!
Truly, they represent some of the best nonfiction book editors online! We are confident enough in their work to offer FREE PROFESSIONAL EDITING SAMPLES to anyone who sends us their manuscript.

Nonfiction Editing Services & Proofreading for business and more...

Scientific Research Editing Services

Experienced editors with a proven track record and a global reach….

Our team of experienced PhD Academic English Editors has helped research authors from top-tier universities and institutes publish their work in high impact journals.
FirstEditing puts clients first, and we remain involved throughout the editing and journal submission process to give you the support you need to achieve success.

Compare Editing Levels for Scientific Research Papers

Our skill, expertise, and integrity have helped us successfully perfect the writing of over 50,000 clients! We hire only seasoned, professional Academic English Editors, and we absolutely GUARANTEE your satisfaction.

Get Expertise From Professional Dissertation Editors With Outstanding, Proven Results

Your editor is an expert! FirstEditing only hires highly qualified scientific and technical editors with a proven history of successful publication. All of our Thesis & Dissertation Editors have had their work published in premier journals.
Your editor has experience! Since 1994, our management team has led an exceptional team of experienced, Academic Editors, PhD editors and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) in a wide range of academic and scientific disciplines.

Compare Editing Services for Theses & Dissertations

Our Dissertation Editors Fields of Expertise

Our skill, expertise, and integrity have helped us successfully perfect the writing of over 50,000 clients! We hire only seasoned, professional Academic English Editors, and we absolutely GUARANTEE your satisfaction.
Your reputation is valuable. We guarantee that an expert in your field of study edits your important work professionally. You focus on the research while we make it shine!
Beware other editing companies which advertise their services on the internet without proven success. You need qualified experts and professional Academic Editors who know how to get you published in high impact academic and scientific journals.
Avoid other editing companies which hire inexperienced English language editors without post-graduate degrees. They are not familiar with complex academic subjects.
Steer clear of editors from India which claim “native English” speakers. This is not your ideal choice.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Since 1994, we have assisted over 50,000 writers, professionals, students, and researchers.

You get professional editing services 24/7 by experienced, successful and vetted English editors who specialize in your genre / subject matter.
You receive a free editing sample of your writing plus a professional recommendation that outlines specifically what you need and why. We encourage you to try before you buy!
Lastly, if you need speedy delivery for your deadline – no problem!
Professional Editing Services


Professional Help

Get a free editing sample outlining areas you need to fix before publishing. Discover what works!

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