Nonfiction Book Coach Services

Get Executive Editing plus Book Coaching for a comprehensive manuscript review and structural edit.
Professional analysis and development helps you organize your entire presentation.
Be confident! Succeed with publishing!

Find Out If Your Manuscript Is Any Good

Do you need some honest feedback, guidance, and an unbiased critique?
Do you want help with the “Big Picture” of writing your nonfiction book?
Our Executive Editing Package is all-inclusive. It gives you this and more!
Be sure to ask about coaching when requesting your free editing sample of your writing.

Inspire, Motivate, and Tell YOUR Story

Do you have a nonfiction manuscript outlined that needs help?
Do you want some insight regarding your overall composition, writing style, point-of-view and presentation?
Book Coaching with Executive Editing is best for you!
Get comprehensive Executive Content Editing, a professional editorial critique PLUS help to polish your words with potential rewrites of up to 20%!

When Do I Need Executive Editing?

Nonfiction Book Coaching is an Executive Content Editing ideal for your first nonfiction draft.
This Executive Editing package provides professional help to authors with intense creative desires. Your nonfiction manuscript gets a comprehensive Content Edit plus in-depth analysis, evaluation, and rewrites/restructure of your manuscript.
You will get answers and recommendations regarding the overall composition and clarity of your outline you are seeking. You can then revise your manuscript accordingly.
We recommend Executive Editing for nonfiction writers who want feedback, support and guidance.
Book Coaching is for you – the dedicated entrepreneur, aspiring writer, committed researcher, or determined business executive who wants your writing taken seriously.
You will invest into the big picture and then revise to create the manuscript of your dreams!

What Is the Book Coaching & Executive Editing Package?

The executive editing package includes a much, much deeper level of Content Editing combined with a professional editorial critique and some helpful writing help.
It is ideal at the beginning of your outlining, writing and editing process.
Book Coaching provides extensive feedback, advice, and editorial help. You get answers and solutions when you have considerable questions. Plus you have honest, unbiased feedback while in the creative and developmental stage of your writing.
With Executive Editing you get a fantastic combination of all the Nonfiction Editing levels. You receive precise copy editing, detailed line editing, and in-depth content editing PLUS additional evaluation and rewrites (up to 20% when necessary). It is very comprehensive.
Plus, you receive an in-depth, professional, and unbiased Professional Editorial Critique of your writing which helps you clarify the vision, goals, and objectives of your book.
Thus, the complete Book Coaching Plus Executive Editing PACKAGE fully encompasses all the services from Nonfiction Editing Levels 1, 2 and 3 PLUS a Book Coach, Professional Summary Letter, and Critique.
We also add comprehensive help with overall composition and structural rewrites. Your professional editorial critique includes additional recommendations and feedback for further development.
The Executive Editing Package is your all-inclusive service with an even more in-depth content edit, book coaching, plus a professional editorial review.
Get a free editing sample of your book today. Ask about Book Coaching when you submit your manuscript!

Nonfiction Book Coaching & Executive Content Editors

Your nonfiction Book Coaching package includes Content Editing by experienced professional editors specializing in your genre and writing style.
Your Content Editor thoroughly provides a developmental, structural, or substantive edit. It is the most thorough approach.
They will assist you in developing your book to accomplish your career goals and writing objectives, such as writing a nonfiction manuscript, which is:
Your Content Editor corrects your writing and ensures a smooth presentation with the English language and all the writing elements.
Your Book Coach approaches your writing from a very high perspective to analyze the clarity, continuity, and flow of your writing, research, and subject material. They help smooth the writing while pointing out any necessary additions, truncations, or support text.
Your Professional Editorial Critique provides an evaluation of your writing’s overall substance, organization, and presentation.
All positive feedback provided by your editor is yours. You are welcome to use this review in your book reviews, book promotions, and marketing.
Your Book Coach ensures you deliver the best quality writing, research, and product possible to your audience.

Book Coach Plus Executive Editing Package

Our Advanced Premium Content Editing with Professional Editorial Review is ideal for authors needing a comprehensive content edit plus in-depth analysis, evaluation, and rewrites/restructure of the manuscript.
RECOMMENDED for writers who need lots of feedback and support. It is for dedicated authors, committed researchers, and determined business executives who want their ideas, manuscript, and writing taken seriously.
Level 4 – Book Coach Plus Executive Editing PACKAGE – includes precise Copy Editing, detailed Line Editing, and in-depth Executive Content Editing (Levels 1, 2 and 3) and more!
Your Book Coach
You receive a complete editorial assessment of your manuscript in a separate document as the Professional Editorial Critique.
Last, you get extensive professional supplementary sentence rewrites (up to 20%) when necessary! This all goes above and beyond other editing services!

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