Writers Blog

Advice for nonfiction and fiction authors, plus professional help for academics completing their thesis, dissertation, and research projects.
Proofreading is the last step in the writing process, but a very important one. It’s the very last chance...
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Introduction Proper formatting is essential for college and university-level students to present well-structured...
Introduction In the realm of academic writing, ensuring the highest quality and accuracy is of the utmost...

Recent Articles

In this episode, Hayley Milliman, the content lead for ProWritingAid, joins JoEllen Nordstrom to talk about the often-used admonition from an editor to a writer to show, don’t tell. We at FirstEditing love and partner with ProWritingAid so much because they have a fantastic online platform that helps...
Do you have a book idea that you’ve been working on for years? Maybe you have a document filled with research and stories. When the concept and the vision for your nonfiction book begins to take shape, it may be time to consider publishing it. If your goal is to get a book deal with a traditional publisher,...
Characters are one of the best assets in your story. They can be the most likable, interesting, and even colorful characters, but how do you make them leap off the page, draw a reader in and really make them care about what happens to your protagonist? Well, if you can adequately explore what drives...
Fight scenes are one of the hardest things to write because they have the potential to be boring, unnecessary, and overcomplicated. Many writers find it difficult to write character interaction in hand-to-hand combat. But if done correctly, a fight scene can elevate your character and your story. A fight...
You may have heard phrases such as “the narrative arc is too flat” or heard it described as weak, strong, or complex and wondered what that means. The narrative arc refers to the structure and shape of your story, and how well the rising, peak and falling action are handled. So, read on, and the next...
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