Writers Blog

Advice for nonfiction and fiction authors, plus professional help for academics completing their thesis, dissertation, and research projects.
Academic writing is a formal way of writing, mostly used in scholarly publications or universities. It...
Congratulations, you’ve written your book! Now it’s time to take a step back from the story and write...
Poetry drips with rhyme, rhythm, meaning, and intensity. It inspires, resonates, emboldens, and heightens...

Recent Articles

What is a research paper? A research paper is often published in a scientific journal, of which there are many, and also forms an important part of university-level education. In essence, research papers are written by subject-matter experts, such as practicing researchers, scientists, and university...
The inciting incident is the best way to capture your reader’s interest hook, line, and story-telling sinker within the first part of your book. Sounds pretty exciting and important, doesn’t it? Let’s take a closer look. What is an inciting incident? The inciting incident is the pivotal moment in all...
Quantitative research methods gather quantifiable data to investigate one or more research questions and hypotheses. Numerical and statistical data offers researchers unbiased, factual evidence from which to draw their conclusions based on mathematical and computational analysis. In addition to numerical...
Feeling stuck when writing is normal. It is part of the ebb and flow of the creative process. But similar to insomnia, in which the more you try to relax, the more you worry about not sleeping, feeling stuck when trying to get your story out can lead to a vicious cycle of writer’s block. We all know...
Metaphor and personification are designed to convey something more than a literal meaning in your writing. In other words, rather than saying what you mean, you use a figure of speech like a metaphor or personification that makes the language sound more elaborate. This can add a lot of flavour, life...
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