Writers Blog

Advice for nonfiction and fiction authors, plus professional help for academics completing their thesis, dissertation, and research projects.
Flat characters that change little throughout a story are usually dull and uninteresting, no matter how...
“You can’t prove there are no aliens on Jupiter, so I conclude there are.” Ladies and gentlemen, let...
Research questions are the foundation of any academic study. They guide the research process and help...

Recent Articles

You’ve spent a good chunk of time writing your book, having it edited, revising it, sending it to beta readers, revising again, editing again, and repeat. Now you’ve typed the last two words: The End. What happens next? Hint: it involves more writing. It’s the book blurb. The saying goes, “Don’t judge...
Most editing articles focus on carefully modeling and designing a short story or novel, so that the author knows where it’s going and can capture all the nuances in the first draft. However, there is another way, the pantser’s way. Starting with a vague idea, a shadowy world build, and a group of characters,...
Humans have been telling stories since the beginning of time. It is in our nature to share our experiences. Stories allow us to escape into imaginary worlds and transport us to another place and time. So how can you create a story that is visual and can emotionally resonate with readers? Use personification. Personification...
The best stories deal with human emotions and say something about the world in which the characters live. But in order to craft a successful story, a writer must look beyond beautiful descriptions and create a story that is engaging to the readers. All the moving parts of the story must fit together...
Some stories just seem to draw the reader in and keep them turning the page or coming back for more. But others just seem to fall flat, even if the basic plot, character and settings are quite good. So what is it about great stories that make them so good? Well, often it’s the theme of a story, or the...
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