Writers Blog

Advice for nonfiction and fiction authors, plus professional help for academics completing their thesis, dissertation, and research projects.
bizarro fiction
Think weird and wonderful and you’ve basically summed up bizarro fiction in a nutshell. It can combine...
Is self-publishing worth it
Every year, millions of books are published all over the world – and a large percentage of those are...
What is flash fiction
As its name suggests, flash fiction is short, compact and impactful in a way that is a bit akin to a...

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fantasy elements
What makes fantasy so very bewitching? And which essential fantasy elements should you include in your writing if you want to craft a complex magical world? Let’s jump right in.
writing a novel
The number of ways to write a novel is limitless. In fact, it can be argued that there are no wrong ways to write a novel. Some writers are “planners” and outline their novels from chapter to chapter, scene by scene. Other writers are “pantsers” and write “by the seat of their pants”—or, more literally,...
Narrative Arc
When it all comes down to it, writers are artists, and storytelling is an artform. Writers use storytelling like a sculptor uses marble—they carve and shape a narrative arc into the story’s structure.
Fiction Editing Essentials – The Full Editing Journey Crafting a captivating novel is only half the battle. This webinar empowers writers with the essential tools to navigate the editing process, transforming their drafts into polished gems. This session equips you with the knowledge to: Master Self-Editing...
A doctoral dissertation is an in-depth piece of academic writing that is grounded in original research and that is usually required to obtain a PhD. If you’ve already completed your Masters Degree, you’re probably familiar with the ins and outs of academic research. However, if you’ve only just started...
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