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"How To Write A Book Synopsis"

Welcome behind-the-scenes to the world of professional editing. This book is a reveal of our work as Certified Story Coaches who help writers just like you every day. Furthermore, these chapters are the guidelines and instructions we share with our dedicated team at

How To Write A Book Synopsis

You will find concise definitions, descriptions, requirements, and explanations regarding the book synopsis writing and production. We have included a break down of the most important sections to cover, while also outlining common mistakes for you to avoid.

Last, we provide specific examples from familiar novels to SHOW you exactly how our process works. We encourage you to adapt all this to your unique story and writing style. Use the examples, outline, and checklist to ensure that you create a strong foundation for your book synopsis. You’ve got this!

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Get personal and professional service from our book editors

As an author, you are often just too close to your work to clearly see what needs to be done to take your book from good to great. After all, you’ve been living and breathing the subject matter and plot line for months if not years!
That’s where our professional book editing services come in. It’s our job to clean up and critique your work — not only to improve your manuscript but also to help you avoid future snags and to become a better author overall.

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