Fiction Editing Services

Helping Over 50,000 Writers Become Authors Since 1994!
Make your story shine! Whether you’ve just completed your next bestseller or your first rough-draft, get professional book editing help you can trust!  
Our Certified Story Editors transform YOUR words into a literary masterpiece! You can then submit to an agent or self-publish with confidence.

See how our CERTIFIED StoryCoach book editors can ‘correct and perfect’ your story!

“When working on a new literary project I always entrust my work to Dr Vonda – she’s the best”  Julie, New York

Discover the secret to successfully publishing your book

Are you 100% ready to share your fiction novel with the world? Really? Are you sending your manuscript to publishers or agents who respond with a rejection letter?
See how our professional editors have helped over 50,000 authors like YOU.
You’re too close to your work to know what it needs to take your fiction book from good to excellent. After all, you’ve been living the plot alongside your characters and scenes. You need a fresh point of view – professional!
That’s where Certified Story Editors come in! It’s our job to strengthen your story arc and overall presentation while cleaning up the writing and critiquing your plot. Not only do we improve your manuscript, but we also help you avoid future storytelling snags. Become a strong storyteller with structural story editing from a Certified StoryCoach.
See how our professional editors have helped over 50,000 authors like YOU.

Certified Story Coaches to structurally edit your fiction book

Our team of Certified Structural Story Editors has a solid history of successfully published novels and manuscripts. These vetted and trained professional book editors have advanced degrees and extensive experience in book writing, proofreading, and novel editing.

We are confident in their work and offer a free editing sample, critique, and price quote. Simply email us a portion of your manuscript to get started.

Our Certified Story Editors are professionals with advanced degrees and ten years of experience

Our fiction editors have industry-proven experience in providing substantial edits in a variety of genres, including literary fiction, creative nonfiction, Christian novels, poetry, romance, westerns, sci-fi, self-help, children, and young adult – the list goes on!

With over ten years of experience in writing and editing, including a history of successfully published books and articles, we are confident enough to promise guaranteed satisfaction to all of our clients.
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Professional editors for ALL types of fiction writing:

Five levels of Fiction Editing Services

Structural Editing is the best service for fiction writers. We evaluate the foundation of your novel to ensure it is strong. We evaluate every scene using a checklist for the 38 Story Elements.

Furthermore, we use a professionally licensed editing software to outline and assess every aspect of your story arc, characters, plot, and scenes.

You receive an in-depth assessment which will show you exactly where and how to fix the structural elements of your story. Story Editing focuses on the larger, overall developmental elements of your manuscript, such as

We have helped writers from all over the world


We believe in personalized communication and customized consultation and support. These aspects are often mentioned in the reviews we get. Our director of customer service, Kathy, usually gets very positive feedback from our clients for her quick and professional responses and customer dialogues. Unlike other companies, we would like to talk to you!

Our latest reviews