Exclusively for Pro Writing Aid clients: PWA20 gives you 20% off professional editing. Valid until June 30, 2022.
Proven success since 1994 with over 50,000 writers
Order a Copy Edit LAST before formatting and publishing.
Order a Line Edit as your final REVISION before sharing publicly or distributing your manuscript.
Order a Content Edit to get professional in-line FEEDBACK and successfully rework your text.
Order a Package Edit to achieve confidence that you are READY to share your manuscript publicly.
In business, you simply can’t afford to NOT have each sentence written as perfectly as possible.
Make sure you meet your next deadline by enlisting the best book editors who achieve phenomenal results according to your schedule.
A good copy edit is an essential step in the successful marketing of just about every type of document, including ebooks, freebies, manuscripts, business proposals, marketing materials, articles, reports, case studies, and more. Nonfiction book editors are vital to accuracy and clarity!
You’ve spent the time and put in the hard work to dream up and write the perfect ebook, marketing piece, or website blog; you’ve got the big picture covered. So why not leave the nuts and bolts to a professional editor?
Nonfiction genres include
How is labor/labour spelled around the world?
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