First Editing and ProWritingAid presents a new monthly series, with its new topic – ‘Writers Goal’ – Editing Tools & Techniques—the monthly series that helps you evaluate editing tools and techniques.

This month, discover why clarity should be the ultimate goal of every writer. You’ll also learn what clarity IS and what clarity ISN’T, as well as techniques for achieving clarity during your editing process. It’s the writer’s goal that should be reached in order for the reader to understand the story in clarity. Gain new insights and develop your writing skills with the help of our master editors, JoEllen, your resident editor and Kara from Kobo Writing Life.


We will be answering the following questions that you have on Clarity:

  • What is clarity?
  • Why is clarity so important for a writer?
  • Is clarity the same for every writer?
  • How do I achieve clarity?
  • Writers goal and its importance

In this episode, you will also:

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