My editor, Nick, did a fine job in a timely manner. I also loved the fact that I could chat with someone from the company almost any time.
Ulysees Dream is a novel about myth telling and immigration. It is the story told by a woman who was born in Honduras was sold into the sex trade, escaped to live in the city dump and made it to the Pacific Northwest where she met a Nez Perce boy whom she fell in love. He is sent to Vietnam in1968 and it is their timeless battle for home and safety for their family that forms this story told around campfires. It uses the primitive format of myth telling that is used to challenge the way we view immigration, our modernistic thinking. Not only is it an entertaining historical romance but it is insightful inspiration for every thoughtful reader.
This is Tim Whites third successful book. He is the senior pastor of Washington Cathedral in Redmond Washington which is made up of 10 culturally varied congregation who worship in different languages all sharing one dream. He is also an adjunct professor at Northwest University. He has his doctorate from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena California his M.Div. from George Fox University and his BA in research Psychology from Eastern Washington University in Cheney Washington. He has also studied history and Archaeology at the University of Jerusalem.
How is labor/labour spelled around the world?
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